What is an Upper GI Endoscopy? A Guide to understanding EGD
Table of Contents What is an Upper GI Endoscopy? Common Uses of an Upper GI Endoscopy What to Expect During an Upper EGD ColonoscopyAssist: Your Partner in Colon Health Final Thoughts An upper endoscopy (also known as an EGD or esophagogastroduodenoscopy) is a medical procedure in which an endoscope is used to observe the […]
Navigating Anxiety: How to Mentally Prepare for a Colonoscopy
Table of Contents Understanding Anxiety Preparing Yourself Mentally Practical Tips for Stress-Free Colonoscopy Preparation Professional Support ColonoscopyAssist: Your Partner in Colon Health and Cancer Screening Final Thoughts (Talk with Your Doctor!) Feeling anxious thinking about an upcoming medical procedure? You are not alone. A study estimated that 60-92% of patients feel some degree of anxiety […]
Exploring Colon Polyps: Types, Risks, and Prevention
Colon polyps don’t come up often but they can have a big impact on your health. These growths show up in adults during routine screenings and come in all shapes and sizes and risks. While many are benign, some can become serious if left untreated – including colorectal cancer. Understanding colon polyps – what they […]
Patient Stories: Real Experiences with Colonoscopies
Table of Contents Introduction The Power of Routine Screenings The Success of Early Detection Keeping High-Risk Patients Safe and Cancer-Free ColonoscopyAssist: Your Partner in Colon Health Final Thoughts If you have never had a colonoscopy before, having fears and worries about the process is understandable. With any medical procedure or surgery, being nervous about […]
Colon Health: Essential Foods to Embrace and Ones to Avoid
As with many aspects of maintaining good health, your diet plays a crucial role in colon health. While we may often hear about a “heart-healthy” diet, did you know that certain foods also impact the health of your colon? Some foods support digestive wellness and improve bowel regularity, while others can lead to inflammation or […]