Rethinking Cancer Treatment: The Rise of Cell Reversion Techniques

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A scientist in a lab coat examines samples under a microscope, while a computer screen displays data. Text reads: Rethinking Cancer Treatment: The Rise of Cell Reversion Techniques in innovative cancer treatment strategies.

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A recent study by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) developed new technology that can revert colon cancer cells back into normal cells without killing the cells. This avoids the inherent medical side effects that can exist when cancer cells are destroyed/removed during treatment.

This article will discuss the current state of colon cancer detection and treatment as well as showcase the groundbreaking progress of this new study.

Colon Cancer: Past and Present

Back in the 1980s, colorectal cancer was the 2nd most leading cause of cancer death. Colonoscopies came to be a prevalent and valuable tool at that time to find colon polyps. Polyps are growths (which can vary in size and shape) on the lining of the colon. Medical science began to study polyps in the 1970s and determined that polyps had the tendency to turn into cancerous growths.

Recognizing that polyps often did not show symptoms, a regimen of routine screenings were implemented to find and remove polyps. Colonoscopies became the primary tool in this fight, with early detection as the most effective weapon in this effort. It is estimated that nearly 15 million colonoscopies occur each year in the US. It is believed that less than 1% of all colonoscopies result in a cancer diagnosis.

Colon Cancer Treatment

If colon cancer is discovered, several treatment methods exist depending on the following factors:

StageThis is how far the cancer has spread and the size of the cancer tumor in question.
LocationDepending on where the tumor exists within the colon can determine the treatment course.
Overall HealthThe patients’ overall health can determine their fitness to withstand select treatment options.
Patient & Physician PreferenceThe physician may have a medical opinion on the best treatment options, and the patient can decide based on their preference.


Prevalent Treatment Choices

  • Polypectomy: Removal of a cancerous polyp.
  • Excision: Surgical removal of a tumor without cutting through the abdominal wall.
  • Partial Colectomy: Removal of part of the colon, with reattachment of the healthy sections.
  • Colostomy: Removal of much or all of the colon, creating an external opening for waste collection. It can be temporary or permanent.
ChemotherapyUse of drugs to kill cancer cells.
Radiation TherapyUse of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. Less prevalent in colon cancer treatment.
Targeted Molecular TherapyDrugs that block specific molecules to hinder cancer cell growth, often used with chemotherapy.
ImmunotherapyDrugs that enhance the body’s immune system to specifically target and attack cancer cells.


Cancer Cell Reversion: Groundbreaking Technology

Professor Kwang-Hyun Cho from the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering at KAIST presented a research study on December 20, 2024, of a revolutionary new therapy.

In simplest terms, a cancer cell essentially forgets how to function like a “normal” non-cancerous cell. The study was able to determine on a genetic and molecular basis the existence of “master switches” that can instruct a cell on how to grow in a “normal” manner.

The research team was able to genetically edit colorectal cancer cells and turn on these “master switches”. The cancer cells were able to revert into normally functioning cells.

This represents not only a unique opportunity in the treatment of colorectal cancer but opens the opportunity of testing cell reversion therapy on other types of cancer. The findings of this study were transferred to BioRevert, Inc., where the data will be used to develop practical cancer reversion therapies.

Colon Care Made Simple & Affordable

A colonoscopy is an important screening to ensure that you are free of colon cancer. For many people aged 45 or older, a colonoscopy should be considered a standard part of their care. Unfortunately, for those who are uninsured or are a self-pay patient, accessibility to this care can be difficult.

At ColonoscopyAssist, we provide access to over 1000 gastroenterologists nationwide, to ensure ease of scheduling and low upfront and transparent pricing. Cost should never be a barrier to ensuring that you are free of colorectal cancer.

Final Thoughts

The recent advancement in cancer cell reversion therapy is a significant step forward in treating colorectal cancer and other potential cancers. While commercialization may take time, prevention through routine screenings remains the most effective way to combat colon cancer. Stay proactive with your health by scheduling regular colonoscopies.

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*Prices listed are starting rates and may vary based on location.

What is ColonoscopyAssist?

ColonoscopyAssist is a program that streamlines the scheduling and payment process for GI procedures, making it easier for organizations to provide timely and accessible care to their beneficiaries.

The following services are provided at affordable pre-negotiated rates:

1. Colonoscopy (screening or diagnostic)

2. Upper Endoscopy

3. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

4. Virtual Colonoscopy

5. Cologuard

6. FIT

Thousands of Happy Patients

As Featured In

Rethinking Cancer Treatment: The Rise of Cell Reversion Techniques

A scientist in a lab coat examines samples under a microscope, while a computer screen displays data. Text reads: Rethinking Cancer Treatment: The Rise of Cell Reversion Techniques in innovative cancer treatment strategies.

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  • All-Inclusive Service
  • Board-Certified Physicians
  • Transparent Pricing

A recent study by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) developed new technology that can revert colon cancer cells back into normal cells without killing the cells. This avoids the inherent medical side effects that can exist when cancer cells are destroyed/removed during treatment.

This article will discuss the current state of colon cancer detection and treatment as well as showcase the groundbreaking progress of this new study.

Colon Cancer: Past and Present

Back in the 1980s, colorectal cancer was the 2nd most leading cause of cancer death. Colonoscopies came to be a prevalent and valuable tool at that time to find colon polyps. Polyps are growths (which can vary in size and shape) on the lining of the colon. Medical science began to study polyps in the 1970s and determined that polyps had the tendency to turn into cancerous growths.

Recognizing that polyps often did not show symptoms, a regimen of routine screenings were implemented to find and remove polyps. Colonoscopies became the primary tool in this fight, with early detection as the most effective weapon in this effort. It is estimated that nearly 15 million colonoscopies occur each year in the US. It is believed that less than 1% of all colonoscopies result in a cancer diagnosis.

Colon Cancer Treatment

If colon cancer is discovered, several treatment methods exist depending on the following factors:

StageThis is how far the cancer has spread and the size of the cancer tumor in question.
LocationDepending on where the tumor exists within the colon can determine the treatment course.
Overall HealthThe patients’ overall health can determine their fitness to withstand select treatment options.
Patient & Physician PreferenceThe physician may have a medical opinion on the best treatment options, and the patient can decide based on their preference.


Prevalent Treatment Choices

  • Polypectomy: Removal of a cancerous polyp.
  • Excision: Surgical removal of a tumor without cutting through the abdominal wall.
  • Partial Colectomy: Removal of part of the colon, with reattachment of the healthy sections.
  • Colostomy: Removal of much or all of the colon, creating an external opening for waste collection. It can be temporary or permanent.
ChemotherapyUse of drugs to kill cancer cells.
Radiation TherapyUse of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. Less prevalent in colon cancer treatment.
Targeted Molecular TherapyDrugs that block specific molecules to hinder cancer cell growth, often used with chemotherapy.
ImmunotherapyDrugs that enhance the body’s immune system to specifically target and attack cancer cells.


Cancer Cell Reversion: Groundbreaking Technology

Professor Kwang-Hyun Cho from the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering at KAIST presented a research study on December 20, 2024, of a revolutionary new therapy.

In simplest terms, a cancer cell essentially forgets how to function like a “normal” non-cancerous cell. The study was able to determine on a genetic and molecular basis the existence of “master switches” that can instruct a cell on how to grow in a “normal” manner.

The research team was able to genetically edit colorectal cancer cells and turn on these “master switches”. The cancer cells were able to revert into normally functioning cells.

This represents not only a unique opportunity in the treatment of colorectal cancer but opens the opportunity of testing cell reversion therapy on other types of cancer. The findings of this study were transferred to BioRevert, Inc., where the data will be used to develop practical cancer reversion therapies.

Colon Care Made Simple & Affordable

A colonoscopy is an important screening to ensure that you are free of colon cancer. For many people aged 45 or older, a colonoscopy should be considered a standard part of their care. Unfortunately, for those who are uninsured or are a self-pay patient, accessibility to this care can be difficult.

At ColonoscopyAssist, we provide access to over 1000 gastroenterologists nationwide, to ensure ease of scheduling and low upfront and transparent pricing. Cost should never be a barrier to ensuring that you are free of colorectal cancer.

Final Thoughts

The recent advancement in cancer cell reversion therapy is a significant step forward in treating colorectal cancer and other potential cancers. While commercialization may take time, prevention through routine screenings remains the most effective way to combat colon cancer. Stay proactive with your health by scheduling regular colonoscopies.

All Inclusive Rates

Starting From:











What is ColonoscopyAssist?

ColonoscopyAssist is a program that streamlines the scheduling and payment process for GI procedures, making it easier for organizations to provide timely and accessible care to their beneficiaries.

The following services are provided at affordable pre-negotiated rates:

1. Colonoscopy (screening or diagnostic)

2. Upper Endoscopy

3. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

4. Virtual Colonoscopy

5. Cologuard

6. FIT

Thousands of Happy Patients