Cologuard Order Form


All Inclusive Rates

Starting From:



Upper Endoscopy


Hemorrhoid Banding






*Prices listed are starting rates and may vary based on location.

What is ColonoscopyAssist?

ColonoscopyAssist is a program that streamlines the scheduling and payment process for GI procedures, making it easier for organizations to provide timely and accessible care to their beneficiaries.

The following services are provided at affordable pre-negotiated rates:

1. Colonoscopy (screening or diagnostic)

2. Upper Endoscopy

3. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

4. Virtual Colonoscopy

5. Cologuard

6. FIT

As Featured In

All Inclusive Rates

Starting From:



Upper Endoscopy


Hemorrhoid Banding






What is ColonoscopyAssist?

ColonoscopyAssist is a program that streamlines the scheduling and payment process for GI procedures, making it easier for organizations to provide timely and accessible care to their beneficiaries.

The following services are provided at affordable pre-negotiated rates:

1. Colonoscopy (screening or diagnostic)

2. Upper Endoscopy

3. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

4. Virtual Colonoscopy

5. Cologuard

6. FIT

Thousands of Happy Patients

As Featured In