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What is the ColonoscopyAssist Program About?

  • The ColonoscopyAssist program promotes colon cancer screening among the uninsured community
  • The following tests are provided at heavily discounted rates:
    1. Colonoscopy
    2. Upper Endoscopy
    3. Cologuard
    4. FIT
  • Financial assistance is provided to patients unable to afford the tests.
  • The program focuses on removing financial barriers to CRC screening.



Colon Cancer Screening
Stool Test

Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) -  $40

What is a FIT test?
A Fecal Immunochemical Test is a highly accurate colorectal cancer screening test. It involves taking a stool sample at home and sending it back to a lab for processing.
This test is unanimously recommended as a colorectal screening by the American Cancer Society, CDC and US Preventitive Services Task Force.
This test is sometimes referred to as Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) or an iFOBT.

How long does this test takes?
The total time commitment for this test is less than 5 minutes. ColonoscopyAssist will mail you a kit with a brush. Your will collect a small stool sample using the brush and return in the kit provided (pre-stamped envelope provided).

Who should take this test?
Medical guidelines dictate that all persons over the age of 50 should take this test once a year even if no symptoms exists. If you are African American you should consider starting at age 45.


Total cost - $25

To learn more about the test visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

The total discounted cost of the FIT kit inclusive of shipping is $40.00 through the program. Kits are shipped out next business day via USPS.

The program processes the kit at a CLIA Licensed Laboratory and provides results and reports within 48 hours of receiving the specimen.


Did you know?

  • 1 in 19 Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer.
  • Colon Cancer is the 3rd leading cause of deaths in the US
  • Colon Cancer is completely avoidable with regular screening