What is the ColonoscopyAssist Program About?

  • The ColonoscopyAssist program provides colonoscopy screenings and colon cancer support for the underinsured community.
  • The program offers 4 tests at a heavily discounted rate :
    1. Colonoscopy
    2. Upper Endoscopy
    3. Cologuard (DNA Test)
    4. FIT Tests (Stool Test)
  • Interest Free Payment Plan Options are available for patients unable to afford a test.
  • Screenings are provided completely free of charge in certain regions where funding is available.
  • Support and help is provided for patients diagnosed with colon cancer.

Facility Locations

ColonoscopyAssist™ offers colonoscopies at the subsidized rate in the following cities.
Select your closest city from the list below.

If you would like to request a colonoscopy in a city that is not listed below, please request an appointment and we will try to accommodate your request if possible.

Use the tabs below to view more options: